Get in touch if you can’t find an answer to your question.

Our Standard package starts at $5,000, our Pro package starts at $12,000, and our Enterprise package starts at $25,000.

For more details on what comes with each package, head over to our pricing page. These rates are a baseline and we can often build a custom package to fit your specific requirements.

Contact us if you have any questions, or fill out our project request form and we’ll get back to you within 1 business day.

Timelines vary based on the scope of the project. 90 days is a typical minimum, and larger projects can take 6 months for final delivery. If your project has a tight deadline, we may be able to expedite.

Get in touch or fill out our project request form and we can strategize timelines and launch plans.

1. Discovery phase

All projects start with a discovery phase. The discovery phase aims to gather information and insights about your project. Typically this will take place via a video call, phone call, email, and occasionally in person. During the discovery phase we will ask you some questions, most of which are based around your overall goals and target audience. We may request that you submit a questionnaire.

A successful discovery phase allows us to provide you with a realistic timeline and cost estimate, but most importantly, it helps us understand your technical requirements, target audience, goals, and get an overall sense of the project’s scope.

2. Planning and Strategy

The planning and strategy phase takes our collaborative insights from the discovery phase and puts them into a detailed plan of action.

In terms of a website build, this would typically include setting timelines and milestones, understanding technical aspects such as the CMS being used, defining the website’s structure, content, design, and overall functionality. Here’s some more info on each of these areas:

• Project timeline and milestones: A detailed project timeline is created, outlining the tasks and milestones for the project. This helps in managing the project and ensuring that it progresses according to a carefully planned schedule.

• Technical planning: The major considerations are typically scalability, security, and performance. Most modern websites are built with WordPress, which is open-source and built to scale. We will discuss CMS platforms and frameworks, taking note of any special requirements your organization may require. Website hosting may also need need to be part of the conversation, especially when security and performance are being prioritized.

• Information architecture: The website’s structure and navigation are defined, including the organization of pages, navigation menus, and overall content hierarchy. This keeps our goals aligned, and helps to ensure that users can easily navigate and find information on the website.

• Content strategy: A defined plan is developed for the creation, organization, and management of website content. Need a copywriter? We can assist with that. Need onsite photos? We can usually help with that too. We also have accounts with all of the major stock photo providers, including Adobe Stock.

• Wireframing and mockups: The website’s layout and interface design are created through wireframes, and occasionally more fleshed out custom mockups for larger budget projects. This step helps visualize the user interface and allows for early feedback and iteration before proceeding to the development phase.

3. Development

Once the strategy and planning phase is complete, the fun begins with development. This is where the actual coding and implementation of the website takes place.

Most of our new builds take place on a private location on our server. The URL is not public and is not indexed in search engines.

4. Compatibility and performance testing

We run extensive compatibility tests. This includes desktop browser testing in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, as well as device testing on smartphones and tablets. We test on actual devices instead of strictly relying on emulator tools. We also use a mix of Apple and Microsoft products, since bugs can exist on a single operating system. 

We spend significant time on performance testing, ensuring that any speed bottlenecks are addressed. Speed tests are performed with tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights, GTMetrix, and Pingdom. We have commercial licenses for the best WordPress speed optimization plugins, including WP Rocket. We may also advise setting up a CDN, such as Cloudflare.

During this testing phase we may require a communication channel with your hosting provider as hosting often plays a critical role in performance. 

5. Frontend testing and final quality assurance

During this phase items such as bugs and broken links are audited and fixed. Contact forms are tested to ensure they’re properly reaching recipients. Content is carefully reviewed for spelling and grammar mistakes. 

For ecommerce projects, we make test purchases of your products to ensure your payment processor and customer journey are working as expected. 

Our pre-launch checklist is massive and thorough, ensuring that your project doesn’t go into the wild prematurely. 

6. Launch

We made it! But we’re not quite in the clear yet

The launch phase is a critical step in website development, as it marks the transition from development to a live environment. It involves careful coordination and execution in order to avoid speed bumps. We’ve made it this far, let’s take the proper steps for a successful launch. 

First, if we’re not hosting the website, then the hosting environment that we’re utilizing for the production site will need to be setup. This may involve configuring servers, databases, SSL certificates, and other technical components required for proper functionality. Unless you have an internal team to take care of this, we will need hosting access. 

From the hosting side we will also need to migrate files and databases from the development environment to the production server. This includes uploading the code that makes up your website (typically HTML, CSS, JavaScript), and assets such as images, and videos.

We may also need access to your domain name provider. DNS (Domain Name System) configurations are made to associate your domain name with the correct IP address of the production server. This ensures that users can access the website using the intended domain name and not the development URL we used during the building phase. 

A final round of testing is conducted after deployment to verify that the website is functioning correctly in the live production environment. Once again this includes server configuration and database testing, as well as testing for things like broken links, and contact form delivery. Final steps are also taken to optimize the website’s performance in the live environment as needed. 

Once the website is deployed, we often recommend ongoing management on a monthly basis. While some clients can perform small frontend updates themselves, higher level changes are not recommended for beginners. More importantly, our managed clients also benefit from software updates including WordPress core updates, plugin updates, and theme updates. Outdated plugins are the number one culprit for WordPress hacks, so it’s critical to stay on top of these updates. Our managed clients also benefit from our monitoring tools where we carefully keep an eye on uptime and security. We have commercial software for offsite backups, ensuring your website’s continued smooth operation.

Every project requires a level of collaboration and we work hard to ensure that you love the final output.

We will always use your existing style guide and branding requirements, and we’ll also lean on you in the early stages to provide links to websites that you like. These can be used as inspiration for our design team.

Before we get into the design and development phases, we use the strategy and planning phase to define goals – these goals can have a direct effect on expert design decisions, and our team has experience that’s backed by years of launching hundreds of successful projects. We’ve spent extensive time in UX/UI and are well versed in the importance of good design and how it affects your brand. We know best design practices, and also harness the ability to make data-backed decisions to ensure that everything is done with purpose.

We take our job of delivering you a high-quality product very seriously. We respectfully request that you trust us in taking the lead during our collaboration.

Typically this is provided by you, but we can assist when needed.

Our Pro and Enterprise website packages include both standard copywriting and SEO-optimized content writing.

We recommend original images that are unique to your business, but stock photos can also be used when necessary. We have accounts with all the major providers including Adobe Stock. Onsite photography can also be arranged in certain circumstances.

This varies from project to project, and is discussed in the initial discovery and planning phases.

Our favorite CMS is WordPress, which is open-source and utilizes PHP.

For most ecommerce projects, we like Shopify. Shopify’s primarily built with Ruby on Rails, an open-source framework.

Not really. WordPress is as secure as you want it to be. Did you know that The White House and NASA websites use WordPress?

Because of the enormous popularity of WordPress, it’s a common target for bad actors, but this can be prevented by following standard security practices. 

Leaving WordPress software such as plugins and themes outdated can make your website a much easier target. Think of it like parking your car in a big city and leaving the door wide open. Don’t give the bad guys a shortcut. 

Most plugins, themes, and WordPress itself (“WordPress core”) release frequent updates in order to better protect against security issues. When these updates get ignored is typically when trouble comes into paradise. Avoiding the use of too many third-party plugins will also save you some grief. 

A reliable hosting provider who knows the intricacies of WordPress can also be hugely beneficial in keeping your WordPress site secure. Our favorite WordPress hosting provider is WP Engine, based out of Austin. They are constantly innovating WordPress, including its security.

Yes, of course. Mobile responsive design is no longer an option, it’s a requirement. More people visit websites from a smartphone than a computer. 

No. These are separate beasts, and should be treated as such. Learn more on our SEO Marketing and PPC Marketing pages. You can view our pricing page for rates.

We do not offer hosting as a standalone service, and it is typically more advantageous for clients to keep hosting under their own roof. Some exceptions are our managed WordPress clients, who have optional WP Engine hosting included with their service package. 

If you still prefer we handle your hosting, we can take a look at your particular situation and let you know if we can help. Some factors that would come up are any technical requirements you may have, including traffic and storage. We do not offer IT or email services of any kind.

No. We recommend you setup your custom domain email with Google Workspace. While Google WorkSpace support is excruciating nowadays, you’ll rarely need it and you can’t beat the reliability and efficiency of Google’s email servers. 

We take on a very limited number of social media marketing clients at one time, but get in touch and tell us a little bit about what you’re looking for. We’ll get back to you within 1 business day. 

Absolutely not, and while our primary location is in Los Angeles, physical location rarely inhibits who we work with. We have clients and staff located around the world. Our virtual production team works out of Houston. SEO LA’s creative director, Ryan O’Connor, spent the first 30 years of his life in Maine, and we’re proud of our New England roots. 

Please visit our web accessibility service page for more information. We offer WCAG audits and compliance implementation as optional add-ons for all website packages.

We are advocates for making the web accessible to everyone, but it’s important to note that unless you’re a government website, it is typically not a legal requirement to maintain accessibility compliance with your website. A great thing to do? Yes. A legal requirement? No.

Overlay companies like AccessiBe often push this angle in order to boost sales of their accessibility products, most of which are a band-aid at best. We think web accessibility is something that should be better understood and more prioritized, but we don’t support shady companies pressuring business owners into thinking they’re going to get sued if they don’t use their inferior products. Here’s an interesting read about this subject.

Yes, your website is yours, and you have full admin access. If any premium third-party WordPress plugins and themes were used, they are licensed legitimately and you are welcome to keep these within your website’s ecosystem for as long as you’d like, even if we’re not managing your website.

You may need to purchase a new license in order to gain access to software updates and developer support as many plugins and themes require annual renewals in order to support the authors and development teams.

Some basic aspects of WordPress websites can be updated without extensive technical knowledge. However, it’s generally best to have a professional take care of updates. A good team can handle your content updates, as well as critical software updates to ensure your site stays up and running without issues. We offer multiple WordPress management packages.

You’re not required to be under a maintenance contract unless you need us to update your website. Maintenance packages allow us to effectively handle the ongoing management of your setup, ensuring that things are running smoothly, and software is being kept up to date. With WordPress there is a lot of moving parts. Learn more about our WordPress management services

Note: we do not offer “one off” updates. A bug fix for a website that we built within the last 90 days is one thing, but isolated and sporadic frontend updates will require a service agreement. 

Get in touch and tell us about your project. You can contact us directly or submit our project request form. We’ll get back to you within 1 business day. 

More FAQs:

SEO Marketing FAQ

SEO is short for search engine optimization. There is often technical jargon that gets thrown around with the term, but what it boils down to is actually very simple: enhancing your website and its various pages in an effort to rank higher in search engines like Google.

There is no magic formula for SEO, but there are many best practices that should be followed to put yourself in the best position for success. There are also known pitfalls to avoid, such as “blackhat” methods which can get your website penalized, and even delisted from Google. 

Our Standard package starts at $1,000 per month, our Pro package starts at $2,500 per month, and Enterprise packages start at $5,000 per month.

Our rates are always available on our pricing page.

Keep in mind these are baselines and we can often custom build a package that fits your specific requirements. Contact us or submit our project request form and let’s talk.

6 months minimum. We’ve certainly seen results appear in a shorter timeframe, but we’ve also seen it take longer. SEO typically boils down to the competitiveness of the industry, what keywords we are targeting, and how aggressive our strategy is.

Examples of competitive industries in search engines are real estate, law, finance, insurance, and health and fitness, to name a few. Being located in a major market also amplifies the challenges. But none of this means there aren’t realistic strategies that can be deployed.

Going after keywords that are actually realistic to rank for is one of the first items we discuss when developing an SEO strategy. For example, consider that we want to go after a specific keyword, but we see Amazon, Target, and Walmart in the top 3 positions of the search results. We could spend 20 years optimizing our site but would likely never outrank the big guys. That’s a big waste of everyone’s time and resources.

Identifying a realistic strategy is critical for success. 

It’s also important to remember that at the end of the day, it’s up to Google. While we can’t force Google to index us higher than our competitors, we can use our experience and best practices to ensure we’re putting ourselves in the best possible position. 

No, but we are very selective with the client’s we agree to work with — especially for SEO services. We will audit your website and check out your competitors before agreeing to perform SEO services. If we don’t think we can help in a realistic way, we will not waste your time.

We have happy clients because we don’t overpromise. Getting traction with SEO can be very difficult in certain industries and markets, so it’s critical that all parties are on the same page with goals and strategy in order to achieve long term success. 

Possibly, but newer websites are generally more difficult to rank. Google built their search engine around showing the most relevant results possible, and when you’re new, they don’t know anything about you yet. 

Google’s search engine aims to provide the most relevant and trustworthy results to its users, and it takes time for a new website to establish credibility and authority in the eyes of Google.

No. Some industries are simply too competitive for us to produce meaningful results. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about your industry or market, and we’ll get back to you within 1 business day. 

Of course!  There’s a few just above on this page, and you can also visit our case studies page for more.

You should never hire an SEO agency or individual who can not show you live results.

For one, we get results and have real case studies to back it up, including active keywords that are currently ranking. 

We do not over-promise and are extremely selective with who we’ll work with for SEO marketing services. One of the first things we do when conducting an SEO audit is carefully review your competitors. If we don’t think we can realistically get meaningful results, we won’t waste your time. The folks sending spammy SEO emails are typically happy to take your money regardless of having a realistic strategy in place. 

Yes! We offer SEM (search engine marketing) / SMM (social media marketing) ad services. These fall under the umbrella of “PPC” (pay per click). Check out our pricing page for more details.

Currently we offer ad services for Google, Facebook, and Instagram. 

PPC can be an excellent alternative to organic SEO, especially in terms of fast tracking your campaign results. 

Fine tuning and effectively managing ad campaigns is an on-going process, but can produce excellent results over the long term. Check out our Facebook ad campaign for Brian McKnight for a stellar example of the power of Facebook ads.

No, of course not. We have clients all over the country. 

Get in touch and tell us about your project.

You can contact us directly or submit our project request form. We’ll get back to you within 1 business day. 

WordPress Management FAQs

Our Standard package is $500 per month and our Pro package is $1,200 per month. For more details on what comes with each package, head to the pricing section of our WordPress management service page.

Keep in mind that these rates are a baseline and we can often build a custom package to fit your specific requirements.

Contact us if you have any questions, or fill out our project request form and we’ll get back to you within 1 business day.

Yes! Our WordPress maintenance packages aren’t restricted to WordPress software updates – we can update the frontend of your website as well.

Our Standard package includes 1 hour of monthly development time and our Pro package includes 5 hours of development time. You can put this time toward anything on your site that you’d like updated. Click here to view our pricing.

Overages are billed at $150/hour.

Custom plans are available, contact us to discuss, or submit our project request form.

Primarily for security. Outdated software leaves your website vulnerable. WordPress is a popular target for hackers because of its enormous popularity.

It’s also important to understand that in most cases malware and hackers are not specifically targeting you. Typically it’s a script that’s programmed to target hundreds or thousands of websites, often looking for a “backdoor” into your website. This backdoor is very often caused by outdated software such as WordPress plugins, themes, or WordPress itself (WordPress core).

There’s a common misconception that WordPress is prone to getting hacked. Do you think the official White House website, and Nasa’s new website would be running WordPress if it was inferior and prone to security issues? If you’re following best general security practices, you will rarely run into issues. 

On the other hand, if you’re running 57 third-party plugins on a shared GoDaddy plan, neglecting software updates, and haven’t audited your user accounts in a decade – you’re probably going to be dealing with security issues (not just with WordPress, but with any platform). 

We take managing your website very seriously and do not want your reputation damaged. There can even be legal implications if customer data is stolen. An additional security layer, even in the form of a free plugin like Wordfence, can absolutely help tighten up your security on a WordPress website and is usually a good idea to implement – if nothing else, as a precaution.

It’s also helpful to have a rock solid web host – whether you’re running WordPress or another CMS. All of our managed WordPress packages include optional WP Engine hosting. They exclusively work within the WordPress ecosystem. In our experience, the level of support that WP Engine provides is miles above the usual bargain-bin suspects in the shared hosting space (GoDaddy, Hostgator, Bluehost, etc), and they’re constantly innovating on all technology fronts, including security

One final note on this is that WordPress is not commonly hacked due to poor security practices, but rather it’s popularity. WordPress now powers over 40% of all websites on the internet, making it an attractive target for bad actors. The folks who are not following best security practices are going to be the most vulnerable. Think of it like parking your car in a big city and leaving the door wide open. Don’t give the bad guys a shortcut. 

Yes, all WordPress managed services that we offer include optional hosting at no additional cost.

Our hosting partner is WP Engine, based out of Austin, Texas. We’ve worked with many hosting companies over the years and WP Engine is best in class.

Possibly, but we would need to review your setup. Contact us and tell us a little bit about your situation and we’ll go from there.

Uptime monitoring is commercial software that sends us alerts if your website is down for any reason, allowing our development team to act quickly.

In the event of an outage, most organizations would rather be alerted by their web team rather than an unhappy customer.

All of our WordPress management packages come standard with uptime monitoring and we can work directly with your IT team if there are any special requests.

No, of course not. While our primary location is in Los Angeles, we have team members and contractors located around the world. Our virtual production team is based out of Houston. Our clients come from all over the place, physical location doesn’t matter.

Get in touch and tell us about your project. You can contact us directly or submit our project request form. We’ll get back to you within 1 business day. 

Website Accessibility FAQ

Just like physical stores often have wheelchair ramps for accessibility, web accessibility aims to create the same inclusive environment in digital spaces. This includes individuals facing challenges in vision, hearing, or traditional computer usage.

The way a website is designed and built can make or break the user experience for those with disabilities. 

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) were first established in 1999 as a set of rules to help make websites and digital content accessible to people with disabilities. 

WCAG provides technical and in depth guidelines for developers and designers to create inclusive and user-friendly online experiences for everyone – including people who may have difficulty seeing, hearing, or using a computer in the usual way.

We elaborate on the most common guidelines above

Yes, you should. Following WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) will provide a better user experience for a wider audience. 

Prioritizing web accessibility can also benefit your brand reputation and set you apart from competitors. Ultimately, it’s an investment that enhances usability, broadens your reach, and contributes to a more inclusive online environment.

Unless we’re referring to a government website (.gov websites), it is typically not a legal requirement to maintain accessibility compliance with your website. It is, however, a considerate and inclusive thing to do that makes your content have a wider reach.

Some companies that sell accessibility software, such as AccessiBe, have built a reputation for marketing the threat of lawsuits in order to boost sales of their products. We think web accessibility is something that should be better understood and more prioritized, but we don’t support shady tactics such as pressuring business owners into thinking they’re going to get sued if they don’t use your software. 

Can you be sued for having a website that’s not following WCAG standards? Yes, anyone can sue anyone for anything. Is this a common or likely scenario? Not really. Is it a good idea to learn more about web accessibility and why it matters? Yes. Is it a good idea to implement web accessibility best practices? Also, yes.

Approach web accessibility for the right reasons, not because you’re afraid of getting sued. Also, the earlier you undertake WCAG compliance, the easier it will be to manage and maintain keeping up with new standards as your business and web property grows. Backtracking years of content to gain WCAG compliance is possible (and we’ve done it several times) but can be very time-consuming and expensive. 

Rates start at $2,500 for a 5 page website. This is a baseline and can vary drastically based on the size and age of your website. Get in touch and we’ll take a look.

No, and they should be considered a band-aid at best. One of the most popular overlay companies, accessiBe, literally had their sponsorship revoked from the National Federation of the Blind’s annual conference in 2021. In a public press release, NFB noted “accessiBe currently engages in behavior that is harmful to the advancement of blind people in society.” Ouch. 

Overlays often get marketed as a quick fix for accessibility issues, which is inherently false. This type of marketing is largely why overlays are so openly debated in the accessibility community.

While overlays can provide some benefit in certain contexts, they should not be considered a comprehensive solution to web accessibility. It is recommended to prioritize building accessible websites from the ground up, adhering to established accessibility standards with old fashioned manual testing. 

No. Our primary location is in Los Angeles, but we have clients and team members around the world. 

Get in touch and tell us a little bit about your project’s accessibility goals. You can also submit our project request form

Social Media & PPC FAQs

Social Media Management is based on developing and strategizing organic content, whereas Social Media Marketing (commonly “SMM”) is more focused on a paid ads approach. They often work hand in hand. 

Our Standard package is $2,500 per month, Pro package is $5,500 per month, and our Enterprise package starts at $8,500 per month. Enterprise options include SEM via Google Ads.

These rates are baselines and we can often build a custom package to fit your specific requirements. Contact us if you have any questions, or fill out our project request form and we’ll get back to you within 1 business day.

Yes, in addition to SEO services, we also offer SEM (search engine marketing) services, commonly referred to as “PPC” (pay per click). Our SEM projects currently cover Google Ads.

Both SEO and SEM are viable strategies and have unique benefits.

SEM services are currently only available for enterprise clients.

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

We do not currently offer services for YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, or LinkedIn. 

This can vary from business to business, but generally it’s a good idea to be on as many networks as possible. We currently service Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for our clients. 

Our Pro and Enterprise packages both offer content development and strategy. Click here to view our pricing page.

Contact us or fill out our project request form and let’s talk.

We can not measure your ROI for you, but we can certainly measure traffic and clicks.

Every campaign is different based on factors such as your industry, whether your strategy involves using organic or paid reach, and ultimately what your goal is. For example, are we driving traffic for email sign ups? Video views? Brand awareness? 

Yes, we send monthly reports. 

Of course not. We have clients and team members around the world. 

Contact us or fill out our project request form and we’ll get back to you within 1 business day. 

Virtual Production and Livestreaming FAQs

Our minimum project fee for livestreaming and virtual production services is $1,500.

Contact us or fill out our project request form and tell us a little bit about what you’re working on. This will help us provide a more accurate cost estimate. 

The short version is you show up in front of the camera, and let us take care of everything else. 

Some virtual productions can take more time to prepare and plan. For example, a casual Q&A on Facebook Live can be setup inside of an hour whereas a live performance will involve more preparation. 

Some other factors that effect the process are the number of people appearing on camera, the equipment being utilized by each party, the social networks being broadcast to/from, and the intended length of your stream.

No stream is exactly the same, so get in touch and let’s start strategizing. 

It’s never a bad idea to get creative with your livestream content, but simply showing your face on camera and interacting with your audience can be extremely effective. 

Typical livestreams and virtual productions include live performances, casual Q&As, conferences, webinars, corporate events, and fundraisers. 

Yes, we offer full-service virtual event production, from concept development and planning to technical setup and execution. We can even monitor the comments to ensure your event is fostering a positive environment. 

Whether it’s a casual Q&A or a live performance, our team can help you create a custom virtual event that meets your specific needs and goals.

Get in touch and let’s start strategizing. 

Typically a stable internet connection and your device’s built-in microphone and camera is all that is required for a casual livestream. 

Depending on the goals of your production, we will work with you to suggest any extra gear that may be needed to better meet the overall production goals. 

Yes, absolutely. We remote connect with your system to ensure your equipment is properly working prior to going live. We will optimize your encoder settings to achieve a high-quality output. 

Further, our team is well versed in setting up popular streaming encoders like OBS Studio, Streamlabs, XSPLIT, Streamyard, and more. 

Leave the technical stuff to us, that’s what we’re here for. 

We can easily integrate custom overlay graphics that you provide to us for use in various scenes. Typically these would include things like “broadcast starting soon”, “be right back”, “ending credits”, and stinger transitions.

We can also integrate other assets that you provide, such as links, logos, graphics, videos, QR codes, social media links, virtual backgrounds, and sponsors.

Need these assets created for you? We can take care of that too, including pre-produced video content. 

Yes, we offer video production services, including pre-recorded video content creation. Our team can help you create custom videos that can be incorporated into your virtual event or used as standalone marketing materials. 

Get in touch and tell us about your project. This will help us get you a more accurate cost estimate.

We can multi-stream to a variety of platforms including Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, LinkedIn, Custom RTMP, and more.

We’ll work with any specific preferences you may have to ensure you virtual production is setup for success. 

Yes! Here are some suggestions:

• Subscription or membership fees for premium content
Consider offering exclusive or premium content to your audience on a paid basis, such as behind-the-scenes footage or extended versions of your livestreams.

Offering your livestreams as part of a subscription is a way to generate recurring revenue. While this can work for any industry, it can be especially powerful for artists.

If your content is unique and engaging (i.e. intimate acoustic performances, taking song requests from fans), it will resonate with your audience.

• Sponsorships and advertising
Partner with brands to feature their products or services during your virtual events. Sponsorships and traditional advertising are the most common ways to monetize livestreams.

• Product sales
Livestreams are a great way to promote and hype up your new products and it’s simple to include a clickable link that’s displayed during the duration of your broadcast.

Affiliate sales are also common in the livestreaming space, especially among influencers and gamers. Affiliates typically promote a third party product and collect a percentage for each sale.

• Donations
Especially beneficial in the nonprofit sector, consider accepting donations during your broadcast. Livestreams can be a unique fundraising tool, especially when compared to a typical social media post.

• In-stream ads
Businesses can use Facebook’s in-stream ad feature to show short ads during their livestreams, with revenue generated from the ad being shared between the business and Facebook.

• Virtual events or experiences
As we touched on above, whether you’re an artist, nonprofit, or enterprise business, getting creative with a virtual event is the perfect way to build buzz. If you’re an artist, consider a live performance where you charge a ticket price or registration fee to access the content.

• Real-time content means expanded visibility and reach.

• Livestreaming is more authentic and transparent than pre-recorded content, often leading to increased audience engagement. 

• Cost-efficient (no need for expensive equipment for a basic livestream).

• Monetization opportunities including paid subscriptions and sponsorships.

• Get valuable and instant feedback and insights from your audience.

• Repurposing content opportunities.

Learn more.

Of course! There is very little barrier to entry with a basic livestream. However, technical challenges are not uncommon, which is the primary reason our services are retained.

As you add more complexity to your virtual production (for example: more guests, more equipment, more social networks) there tends to be more room for error. When your focus is on delivering your message, it can be distracting and downright stressful trying to handle the technical end at the same time.

Whether it’s troubleshooting last minute audio, video, or internet connection issues, moderating the comments in real time, or helping with the planning stages to ensure your message is front and center – there’s nothing we haven’t already seen and done.

Our team is well versed in popular streaming encoders like OBS Studio, Streamlabs, XSPLIT, and Streamyard. Our equipment includes battery backups and a business fiber internet connection via AT&T to ensure a reliable and uninterrupted broadcast.

Depending on your production requirements, we may be able to tailor a custom rate for ongoing services.

Get in touch and tell us about your goals, or fill out our project request form and we’ll get back to you within 1 business day.

No, you can be anywhere with a stable internet connection. Our primary location is in Los Angeles, and our virtual production team is located in Houston.

The beauty of livestreaming is that geographic location doesn’t matter. 

Contact us or fill out our project request form and we’ll get back to you within 1 business day.